IHBT Jobs Recruitment 2013-2014
Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on Monday, the 18th February, 2013 at 9:30 A.M. at this Institute for engagement of 02 positions of Research Associates(s) under the following Projects sponsored by DBT and CSIR Netwrorked on purely temporary basis for the duration of the project(s) which will be co-terminus with the duration of the projects:
1. "Selection of Widespread genotypes of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Improving
Growth and Productivity of Saffron".
2. Bioprospecting Microbial Endophytes and their Natural Products from Some Medicinal Plants from Indian Trans-Himalayas".
For details visit http://www.ihbt.res.in/recruit/Advt3_2013.pdf