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Sunday, 17 February 2013

AIIMS Chief Librarian Accounts Officer Jobs/Vacancy 2013-2014

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Jobs/Vacancy

AIIMS Recruitment 2013-2014

Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma for filling up the following posts at this Institute on  Deputation basis with the following prescribed criteria:-

Chief Librarian: (Pay Band-4 of Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8700)
Eligibility criteria: Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/ Universities/Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts on regular basis with at least 5/8 years of regular service in the post in the scale of Rs.12000-16500/ Rs.10000-15200 respectively, or equivalent

Accounts Officer: (Pay Band-3 of Rs.15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400)
Essential Eligibility criteria: (i) Officers under the Central Government or Central Statutory/Autonomous bodies holding analogous posts on regular basis and handling Accounts and Finance matters or holding posts of Accounts/Audit Officer or equivalent in the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 / Rs.7450-11500. 

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