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Monday, 18 March 2013

AIIMS Recruitment 2013-2014 Chemist Biochemist Registrar Physicist

Jobs Recruitment Notification 2013-2014

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Applications are invited in the prescribed for filling up the following posts at this Institute On Direct Recruitment BASIS with the following prescribed criteria.
Sl.No.                     Name of the Post
1.                            Educationalist
2.                            Registrar
3.                            Senior Biochemist
4.                            Senior Chemist
5.                            Senior Veterinary Officer (Surgeons)
6.                            Biochemist
7.                            Chemist 
8.                            Clinical Psychologist/ Psychologist
9.                            Medical Physicist

For essential eligibility conditions, other details and terms and conditions, please visit the Institute’s website under the head ‘Recruitment’.

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