Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan Jobs/vacancy
Khera Dabar, New Delhi
Recruitment 2013-2014 Notification
Candidates are invited for purely temporary positions of Project Associates from the field of Ayurveda for a project in Ayurgenomics. Young candidates with good learning abilities are also required for the positions of Technical Assistants.
1) Project Associate (Ayurveda)-2
2) Technical Assistant (Clinical)-4
3) Technical Assistant (Laboratory)-1
Interested candidates may post their detailed bio data to Principal, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan; Khera Dabar, New Delhi-110073. or mail their detailed CV to along with copies of testimonials and publications, if any, latest by 31st January 2013.
Candidates shall appear with original testimonials for the Written test / Interview on 10th February 2013 at , Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan; Khera Dabar, Near Najafgarh, New Delhi-110073. Reporting time is 9.30 AM. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview. Candidates may also converse in Hindi in interview.
For details visit